Proper diet for weight loss for girls: advice from the best nutritionists (+ menu for 14 days)

All girls want to be slim and attractive. However, a good figure cannot be achieved if your diet is rich in fatty and unhealthy foods. Proper nutrition for weight loss is the best way to achieve great shape without harming your health.

Add to it regular training and your figure will be not only slim, but also toned. With proper nutrition, you can strengthen your health: establish a balance of vitamins and minerals, improve the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.

What foods interfere with a proper diet for weight loss

Girls are rightly interested in which products prevent them from having a graceful figure. We usually focus on calorie content, preferring options with low energy value. However, the weight still does not disappear, sometimes extra pounds appear.

bad and healthy food

Girls who make a menu of a proper diet for weight loss should take into account that all products are divided into several categories.The first group- high proteina second- high carbohydrate contentin the thirdhigh-fat options predominate. All these foods can be rich or low in calories.

We know that a high-calorie diet inevitably leads to weight gain. Another common reason for being overweight is eating a lot of fried, fatty foods.

Weight loss is facilitated by low-calorie foods. It is especially useful to have foods with negative calories in your diet. In this case, the body spends more energy on their digestion than it consumes.

When making a menu of a proper diet for weight loss for a week, a girl should exclude fried food. Even vegetables fried in oil at high temperatures lose important vitamins and minerals for which we use them. Different cooking methods give different calories. The most dietary option is obtained if you use vegetables in a fresh salad.

How junk food affects our weight:

  • In case you consume less calories than you take in, the difference will be deposited in the form of fat cells.
  • In order to improve the taste, harmful foods are loaded with a large amount of fast carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, the number of useful elements is reduced to a minimum. Excessive consumption of such food leads to weight gain.
  • Junk food in large quantities slows down the metabolism. Such food is quickly converted into body fat.

Milk products, which should be excluded from the menu for girls with a proper diet for weight loss.

Most of the dairy products we are used to are also harmful for weight loss. For example, the popular cream, milk, butter, cheeses and sour cream are high in calories. There is enough fat in them, so it is better to choose dietary analogues - foods with a low fat content. As for the taste, they do not lose weight, but their use will certainly help you in the fight against excess weight.

meat and fish products,which should also be excluded.

Dishes made from fatty fish, pork, lamb, beef and veal are rich in animal fats. These elements quickly move into fatty tissue, adding unnecessary pounds.

You can easily replace oily fish with lean fish. Halibut, cod, hake, navaga, flounder will come in handy. It is better to refuse halibut, sardine, sturgeon, mackerel and saury. Fatty meat will also have to be eliminated, and instead eat chicken and other lean varieties.

Alcoholic beverages,slow down the weight loss process.

Alcoholic drinks are harmful to us because they greatly reduce the rate of metabolism. First of all, nutritionists advise you to stop drinking beer, because it contains a large amount of fast carbohydrates, yeast and sugar. What other alcohol is harmful if you plan a healthy diet menu for a girl to lose weight:

  • Vodka, whiskey, tequila, rum, gin, brandy: one glass of these drinks contains 115 kcal.
  • Champagne: 100 ml of drink contains 89 kcal.

If you follow a proper diet, it is sometimes acceptable to drink a glass of dry wine.


To a greater extent, confectionery products harm our figure: sweets, cakes, pastries, chocolate. These foods contain an excess of fast carbohydrates. All sweets increase the level of glucose in the blood, which increases appetite.

You can replace the usual sweets with dark dark chocolate. It is better to completely exclude harmful cakes and cookies.

Carbonated drinks.

Any sweetened carbonated drinks contain large amounts of sugar, as well as harmful chemical flavors and colors. Such products will not only prevent weight loss, but can also cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

avoiding junk food for weight loss

Instead of soda, it is best to drink homemade compotes and juices that do not contain sugar.

For girls who follow a proper diet for weight loss, we recommend the use of fruit drinks (comote, juices) without homemade sweeteners.


Harmful flour products include pasta, spaghetti, bread, bread, because they clog the intestines. If you can't give up flour, try replacing it with durum wheat products.

The most unhealthy food that you must stop eating immediately is fast food. It contains a huge amount of fast carbohydrates, is high in calories and dangerous to health. If you eat a lot of fast food, you may experience deterioration of the internal organs.

vegetables,which should be eliminated by proper nutrition.

Most girls believe that vegetables are the best food for weight loss. However, not all products of these cultures are so useful. For example, potatoes have a high glycemic index (GI), which means that carbohydrates are quickly converted into fat tissue. Potato dishes can only be eaten with low GI foods.

We advise a girl who makes a menu of a proper diet for weight loss not to completely exclude certain foods that are considered harmful. For example, completely giving up chocolate, you will lower the level of serotonin (hormone of happiness) in the blood. In its absence, stress, apathy and even depression can appear.

When you eat certain foods, you have to follow the measurements. Also in losing weight it is important to choose the right way of cooking food.

It can be:

  • Cooking.
  • Baking.
  • Eating raw food (vegetable salads).

You can always stay in good shape by excluding various marinades, sausages and fast food from your daily diet. These foods can quickly lead to a lot of extra pounds.

What foods are the basis of a proper diet for weight loss for girls

Protein foods for weight loss

What should a weight loss diet plan for girls include? The best protein option is fish. Contains omega-3 and 6 fatty acids necessary for our body, phosphorus, fluorine, iodine, vitamins A, E, D.

According to the amount of fat, fish can be divided into three types:

  • Fat (more than 8%). Calorie content - 110-145 kcal per 100 g of product. For example, fish from the sturgeon family, mackerel, seabird, eel.
  • With medium fat content (4-8%). Calorie content - 100-145 kcal per 100 g of product. This group includes sea bass, lean herring, carp, pink salmon, perch, trout.
  • Fish with a low fat content (4%). Calorie content - 75-100 kcal per 100 g of product. These are cod, river perch, hake, flounder, bream, pike.

For girls who want to make a menu of a proper diet for weight loss, we advise you to include low-fat options in your diet. Avoid smoked and fried fish. Cooking methods - steamed, grilled, baked. However, there is no need to put a lot of emphasis on fish dishes, because an excessive amount of useful elements can even be harmful. You can eat fish a maximum of four times a week.

the result of weight loss on proper nutrition

Choose turkey or chicken from the meat. They are rich in protein and contain fewer calories and fat than pork. The caloric value of chicken breast per 100 g of product is 113 kcal. Elements present in poultry fillet clean the liver of fat, improve fat metabolism. The proteins found in chicken and turkey help build nice muscles.

Use eggs in your diet. This product has a calorie content of 70-80 kcal, serves as a source of protein that is well absorbed by the body. The egg contains 12 different types of vitamins (B, D, E and others), gives satiety.

Milk products

Your diet plan for slimming girls should contain a sufficient amount of dairy products. They contain important elements, calcium and phosphorus. In addition, they speed up metabolic processes. Earlier, nutritionists claimed that weight loss involves the consumption of only fat-free foods. However, today it has been proven that this is the wrong approach.

Milk fat contains linoleic acid, which promotes the conversion of fat into energy, and therefore does not accumulate in fat tissue. In dairy products, this substance is almost the same as in vegetable oils. However, the latter have a very high energy value.

But we still do not recommend consuming too many dairy products, because an excess of linoleic acid, on the contrary, leads to excess weight, and proteins remove an important element from the body - calcium.

Kefir can help you lose weight. This dairy product is cheap, but contains a large number of important elements that improve intestinal microflora and accelerate metabolic processes. Kefir saturates well, it can relax the nervous system.

fresh cheese with fruit for weight loss

Also, without harm to the figure, you can use cottage cheese. This product contains a lot of protein and calcium. Thanks to this, it allows you to feel full for a long time. Curd products have low GI values, so they can be eaten in the evening.

They contain a small amount of lactose, which makes these products harmless for people with lactone intolerance. Fresh cheese can be used to prepare many interesting dishes: fresh cheese with herbs, vegetables, fruits, as well as hot options, various snacks, desserts.

Girls can dilute their menu of a proper diet for weight loss with products such as soft cheese, Adyghe cheese, mozzarella, feta and ricotta, which have a low calorie content, contain many vitamins and saturate quickly.


When losing weight, it is important to consume different cereals. This food is low-calorie, contains a lot of useful fibers, which rid the body of toxins and toxins. We are of the opinion that all cereals are useful and important for health and harmony in their own way. For the best result, it is recommended to alternate different types of cereals. Cooking is on water without adding oil.

cereals for weight loss

Millet groats stimulate fat metabolism, lower cholesterol, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, rid the body of fats and antibiotics. This porridge will keep you full for a long time.

A proper diet for a week to lose weight for a girl should include wheat groats. It contains few calories, slows down the deposition of fat, prolongs the youth of the skin, improves the condition of hair and nails.

Barley contains a lot of fiber that cleanses the body of harmful substances and participates in lipid metabolism. This porridge is hypoallergenic.

Iron is present in large quantities in buckwheat. This cereal contains little fat, it is digestible for a long time, which makes it satiating for a long time.

Oatmeal is rich in fiber, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and amino acids. It also cleans the body of harmful substances, which affects the condition of the facial skin.


A girl who makes a menu for a proper diet for weight loss should pay special attention to nuts. This product has quite a high calorie content, but is perfect for small snacks. Nuts fill up quickly and are convenient to take with you. They are very useful for the skin, they improve metabolic processes.

Daily amount of nuts:

  • peanuts - 10-12 pcs. ;
  • almonds - 22 pcs. ;
  • cedar - 50 g;
  • walnuts - 2 pcs.

Vegetables and greens

The main products for a slim figure are various vegetables. Most of them have a low calorie content (with the exception of those containing starch), a lot of fiber, vitamins and trace elements.

Which vegetables should be included in the diet for weight loss:

  • Cucumbers. Calorie content - 15 kcal per 100 g of product. Cucumbers contain vitamins B and C, as well as potassium and enzymes that improve intestinal motility.
  • Cabbage. Calorie content - 22 kcal per 100 g of product. It contains a lot of folic acid, fiber, as well as vitamins K, B, A, thiamin, riboflavin. Cabbage helps to quickly lose excess weight, increases endurance and restores blood sugar levels.
  • Another vegetable for the menu of a proper diet for girls when losing weight is carrots. Calorie content - 32 kcal per 100 g. Contains beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, folic acid, fiber, antioxidants.
  • Tomato. Caloric content - 20 kcal per 100 g. This vegetable improves metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels and prevents the formation of tumors.
  • Beet. Calorie content - 42 kcal per 100 g. The product has laxative and diuretic properties, contains betaine, which regulates fat metabolism and improves the absorption of animal proteins.
  • Bulgarian pepper. Calorie content - 23-28 kcal per 100 g. It contains the largest amount of vitamin C. This vegetable accelerates weight loss, prevents baldness, prevents thrombosis, improves the condition of the skin, hair, and nails.
  • Beans. Calorie content - 102 kcal per 100 g. It contains a lot of proteins, antioxidants, trace elements. Beans prevent the complete absorption of starch, and also stimulate the production of a special hormone that reduces appetite.
  • Celery - 18 kcal per 100 g. This vegetable contains components that cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Also, celery gives vitality, relaxes the nervous system.
  • A proper diet for a week for girls who want to lose weight must include zucchini. Its calorie content is 23 kcal per 100 g. This vegetable improves intestinal motility, restores the normal balance of water and salt.
  • Pumpkin. Calorie content - 25 kcal per 100 g. The product accelerates metabolism, strengthens bone tissue.
  • Dill, parsley, basil, turnips, lettuce, cilantro, onions, garlic have a negative calorie content. They burn more calories than they take in.

Fruits and berries

Fruits and berries have large reserves of fiber, macronutrients and useful vitamins. They contain tannins, essential substances that accelerate metabolism. Elements that make up fruits and berries contribute to the removal of toxins, improve the work of internal organs. All this contributes to weight loss.

The menu of a proper diet for losing weight for a girl must include fruits such as apple, pineapple and grapefruit. Apples contain pectin, folic acid, vitamin C. These elements restore intestinal microflora and speed up metabolism. Pineapple is considered a powerful fat-burning fruit because of its bromelain content. However, its miraculous properties have been greatly exaggerated.

Bromelain does not promote fat burning, but only helps in the absorption of various products (dairy products, legumes, meat, fish). Grapefruit removes excess fluid from the body, improves fat metabolism.

10 principles of a proper diet for weight loss for girls

Start the morning with a hearty and healthy breakfast.

Many of us ignore this meal. However, the habit of a good meal before an active working day is simply necessary for us. If you still don't have it, you can gradually start with small portions. Your morning meals should contain complex carbohydrates. This is a pledge of energy and vitality for the first part of the day. It is a perfect porridge with the addition of fruit and berries, sugar-free muesli with nuts and honey.

healthy food for weight loss

The calorie content of food should be sufficient.

Do not restrict yourself strictly in food and deliberately consume the minimum number of calories per day. Excessive prohibitions in food lead to rapid breakdowns in your nutritional system, and also slow down the metabolic processes in the body. The claim that you need to eat little to lose weight quickly is not true. It is important to be full during the day, so we advise you to calculate your caloric intake.

The rule that one should not eat after six in the evening is wrong.

It is worth following this principle only if you go to bed at 20. 00 or 21. 00. If you go to sleep later than 23. 00, then such a break in food will be harmful to your health. You can safely eat protein-rich foods (fish, chicken breast, boiled eggs, cottage cheese) two to three hours before bed without worrying about gaining extra pounds.

Sweet food should be eaten only in the morning.

This rule is useful for girls who start to follow a proper diet for weight loss. Sweets and flour products can be included in the diet, but only until noon. Fruit should also not be left for the evening reception: it is suitable until 16: 00. For dinner, it is better to cook protein food yourself.

In order not to overeat in the evening, you need to eat enough food during the day.

Your entire diet should be balanced. By skipping one of the meals, you risk overeating later. Our body is arranged in a very smart way: in the evening it will try to get the norm that you did not eat during the day. Such intermittent eating greatly slows down the metabolism.

It is necessary to drink two liters of water every day.

Scientists have discovered that to maintain the health of the body, it is necessary to drink 2-2. 5 liters of clean water every day. This habit will allow you to maintain water balance, suppress your appetite. You can get used to drinking a lot of water. The first seven days you will most likely have to control yourself, but then the body will recover and you will start drinking more.

Two liters of clean water a day is one of the main principles of a healthy lifestyle and weight loss.

Do not eat foods with "empty" calories.

cereal with milk for weight loss

A proper weight loss diet for girls excludes products such as juice pouches, sodas, mayonnaise, store-bought sauces, convenience foods, and fast food. Such food is "empty" because it has no nutritional value. If you eat unhealthy food, you will not feel full during the day, your body will not receive any useful trace elements. A diet with such food almost instantly leads to weight gain, so it is worth choosing healthy and nutritious natural dishes.

Proper nutrition for skinny girls: menu for 14 days

A healthy correct menu is quite simple, but at the same time diverse.

All meals should be held at specific times:

  • Breakfast 08: 00–09: 00.
  • Snack 10: 00-11: 00.
  • Lunch 13: 00–14: 00.
  • Snack 16: 00–17: 00.
  • Dinner 18: 00–19: 00.

Day #1

  • Omelet of one egg and several proteins with spinach, 2 kiwis.
  • Bread baked in a toaster, or fresh diet bread, 2-4 slices of cheese.
  • Steamed chicken or turkey cutlets, boiled rice, vegetables.
  • Low-fat cheesecakes or casseroles, syrup.
  • Yogurt with flax seeds (per 0. 25 l - 8 g of seeds).

The right weight loss diet for girls can bring you great results in the form of a slim and toned figure. In the first few days of this regimen, the stomach may be full. It is recommended to reduce the usual portions in order not to feel the weight in the stomach.

Day #2

  • Oatmeal and flax porridge cooked with water in a mass ratio of 10: 1, banana.
  • Cooked meat (chicken fillet) or canned tuna.
  • Boiled brown rice with veal, lean cabbage soup with beef.
  • One grapefruit.
  • One glass of kefir with the addition of greens and flax seeds.

Day #3

  • Casserole with small cottage cheese, espresso without sugar and milk.
  • A few nuts, 5 dates, 1 apple.
  • Low-fat soup of your choice, green salad, 1 boiled egg.
  • Fresh low-fat cheese.
  • Steamed cutlets or meatballs, a few fresh cucumbers, green salad.

Day #4

weight loss menu
  • Bread toasted in a toaster, a few slices of cheese or quality sausage (one of two).
  • Cooked fresh cheese ("Prostokvashino").
  • Soup with beef and vegetables, grated carrot with vegetable oil.
  • Fruit salad or low-fat cottage cheese dessert with cashews.
  • 1 boiled egg, kefir with the addition of chopped dill.

Day #5

  • Steamed buckwheat, prunes or dates.
  • Light vegetable salad.
  • Egg salad, boiled meat (veal), hard cheese, peppers and tomatoes. Use butter or low-fat sour cream as a topping.
  • Baked fish, light vegetable salad.
  • Chicken dish with broccoli and rice.

Day #6

  • Baked eggs (without oil), a few pieces of cheese, spinach.
  • Cooked rice, some nuts, raisins.
  • Soup with turkeys, fish cooked in tomato sauce, salad.
  • Ryazhenka.
  • grapefruit.

Day #7

  • A few pieces of dates, a small cottage cheese casserole.
  • A light salad of different fruits.
  • Boiled skinless chicken leg, pickle soup, buckwheat.
  • Stuffed lazy cabbage (2 pcs. ).
  • Ground urchins with the addition of zucchini.

A proper diet is very important for girls to lose weight. Healthy food will help you lose the hated pounds quickly.

Day #8

lean meat for weight loss
  • Black bread with cheese and low-fat cottage cheese, 1 pear.
  • Low-fat fresh cheese in the amount of 80 g, 15 g of honey.
  • Beef stew, vegetable salad.
  • Grapefruit, pear.
  • Two cucumbers and boiled meat (turkey).

Day #9

  • Rice porridge cooked in water, 15 g of butter, one orange.
  • Boiled egg, cucumber, toasted bread.
  • Baked hake (200 g), fresh vegetable salad.
  • Green apple, herbal tea, fresh cheese.
  • Stewed vegetables with roasted chicken fillet.

Day #10

  • Boiled egg, 1 tomato, mashed potatoes.
  • Rosehip soup, a few tangerines.
  • Bread with pieces of cheese, soup with mushrooms and rice.
  • Cottage cheese casserole.
  • Seaweed and baked pollock.

Day #11

  • Fresh strawberries (120 g), oatmeal cooked in skimmed milk.
  • Homemade yogurt with honey, bitter coffee.
  • Sauerkraut with baked fish.
  • Vegetable salad with sour cream dressing.
  • A couple of fresh cucumbers, baked chicken fillet with grated cheese.

Day #12

  • Barley porridge boiled in water, 1 banana.
  • Kiwi, pomelo.
  • Boiled chicken breast, vegetable casserole.
  • Tomato juice (one glass), boiled shrimp (160 g).
  • Kefir (250 ml).

Day #13

  • Bitter coffee, egg omelette.
  • Orange, banana.
  • Baked mushrooms, chicken fillet, potatoes.
  • Apple, sour milk.
  • Baked apples with cinnamon (2 pieces), fresh cheese.

Day #14

  • Oatmeal cooked in water, a little honey, 1 banana.
  • Tea with herbs and lemon, ground walnuts, 1 apple.
  • Vegetables stewed with dark rice, soup.
  • Banana Casserole.
  • Boiled shrimp, a couple of fresh cucumbers, one tomato.

In order for the proper diet for weight loss for girls to give the desired result, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the menu and all recommendations, as well as regularly perform physical exercises.